Le Cube Université Aix-Marseille (AMU)
We are excited to welcome you to CuttingEEG in Aix-en-Provence the 5ft International Conference on cutting edge methods in clinical and cognitive neurophysiology research!
Discussions and Lectures
Plenary lectures will be opened to all attendees in the main auditorium of the Cube.
- Analysis of time-resolved stimulations (Edmund Lalor, Stéphanie Riès, Lucia Melloni ; Chair : Daniele Schön, Aurélie Bidet-Caulet)
- Source modeling for EEG and MEG (John Mosher, Laura Astolfi, Christophe Grova ; Chair : Anne Caclin, Boris Burle)
- Computational modeling : From neurons to cognition (Alexandre Gramfort, Marieke Van Vugt, Stéphanie Jones ; Chair : Benjamin Morillon, Annalisa Pascarella)
- Challenging setups for cutting edge EEG/MEG research (Sara Jessen, Elena Boto, Anais Llorens ; Chair : Marie-Constance Corsi, Christian Bénar)
This year CuttingEEG will inaugurate a new framework for the poster session to launch novel perspectives for participants, promote good practices and encourage open science. You will be able to register your abstract in one of three categories depending on the progression stage of your work (i.e. Planned study, Collected data or Analyzed data). More information on the poster page.
Hands-on tutorials
Small-group hands-on tutorial sessions will be offered. Please apply for your preferred sessions at registration. Be quick! the space is limited!
- BIDS datasets with MNE-Python and MNE-BIDS : conversion and analysis (Alex Gramfort)
- EEGLAB and LIMO: Hierarchical General Linear Modeling and Robust Statistics for EEG (Arnaud Delorme)
- Analyzing combined eye-tracking/EEG data (Olaf Dimigen)
- Brainstorm: New tools for SEEG, anatomical parcellations and FEM modeling (Francois Tadel)
- Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) (Stephanie Jones)
- Encoding and Decoding Models of EEG Responses to Natural Speech (Edmund Lalor)
- Introduction to model-based EEG analysis with drift diffusion model (Marieke Van Vugt)
- Contributing to reproducible science with git and github (David Meunier)
- NeuroPycon & Ephypype (Annalisa Pascarella & David Meunier)
- Simulating Event-related EEG Activity using SEREEGA (Laurens R. Krol)
- Time-Frequency analysis with Fieldtrip (Robert Oostenveld & Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen)
- OpenViBE: an open-source software platform for Brain-Computer Interfaces (Arthur Desbois & Marie-Constance Corsi)

Satellite event
Speakers and Instructors
Organizing team

Anne-Sophie Dubarry
Université Aix-Marseille (France)
Local organizer

Clément François
Université Aix-Marseille (France)
Local organizer

Maximilien Chaumon
ICM / CENIR (France)
Founder and organizer

Deirdre Bolger
Université Aix-Marseille (France)
Hands-on organizer

Manuel Mercier
Université Aix-Marseille (France)